Self Direction Approach in 0-3 Month Old Baby
How-do-you-do Everyone, if information technology's your first time hither, welcome! My name is Carmen, I am a certified Montessori guide with the American Montessori Social club and I am hither to help y'all prepare your Montessori learning environment in your habitation! Montessori can exist quite daunting at outset, once you know information technology's core principles and start to practice the method in your own home it starts to become less intimidating and y'all will quickly get the hang of it. You'll come to find that the Montessori method just makes sense and is 1 of the more laid back methods of learning.
Below I accept listed a few FAQs along with some items to bring into your dwelling for your newborn (0-three months quondam to be exact). At this age the truthful essentials that your babe needs are feeding essentials, clothing essentials (loose and comfy) and finally interaction and contained play essentials. The toys and materials I mention beneath contribute to your babe'south interactions and play.
What is Montessori?
"A man does non merely happen; he does not but abound into a flower." – Maria Montessori
Montessori is a method of teaching and education that is centered around self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play. In Montessori classrooms children make their own choices in their learning. The prepared classroom surroundings forth with a highly trained teacher offer age-appropriate activities to guide the procedure.
Observation and Following the Child
Having a nurturing environment to acquire in gives children an advantage and that's what the Montessori classroom does for a child. The Montessori classroom is based on observing and following the child. During the school day it is normal to come across a teacher sitting back and simply carefully observing the children in her care, she does so with a non-judgemental gaze to larn more than nearly what her students needs are. Doing this allows us to know what they are capable of and in what areas they may demand additional help. This is of import considering we desire the child to exist contained, so we exercise not requite them any unnecessary assistance. Nosotros allow the child infinite and time to figure out things on their ain and we model behaviors we want them to learn. This builds confidence and a sense of pride.
"Never help a child with a chore at which he feels he tin succeed." Maria Montessori
Montessori From the Outset – This is one of my favorite Montessori books to recommend to parents. It gives a foundational cognition of the Montessori curriculum and goes through practical steps like how to gear up a Montessori-manner chamber.
What do I need to create a Montessori surroundings in my domicile?
At this age all you need are the baby basics. A mat for tummy time and a small shelf or basket to store your newborn's activities. The surroundings should be prepared for and centered around your babies needs. There are and then many bully youtube videos and manufactures about how to gear up up a Montessori bedroom for newborns. I would suggest doing your own research to get a better understanding of how to do this. Hither'southward a video I have sent to new parents.
Things to Remember:
Respect comes offset. Montessorians respect children. We show respect to the child from nativity. Just because a kid is smaller than us does non mean they are inferior.
Learning to focus is important in the Montessori curriculum. Focusing on ane activity at a time is a skill nosotros believe needs to exist developed and this begins at nascence. The toys and activities listed below aid in building this particular skill.
Let'south get into Montessori based activities for this age group! Every bit a parent or family member you already know that every part of the surround is set up to meet your infants need. Consider yourself part of their environment. Your interaction with them is the about important activity. Talk to them while you are interacting with them, tell them what you are doing."I'm irresolute your diaper. I'k undoing the diaper tabs and sliding off the diaper. I'm lifting up your legs." Speak in soothing tones, sing to them etc. Although it may non seem like they can not do much, do non underestimate the way their minds are observing their environment and learning from their surroundings during this time. While they cannot sympathize your words they will pick up on tones and emotions. Give them lots of confront fourth dimension with y'all, effectually 4 weeks they will be able to start tracking objects so you tin practice that with your fingers and during tummy time talk to them so they are encouraged to try and strengthen their neck muscles by looking upwards at you.
Things to Avoid:
Sensory Overload (clutter, likewise many colors/noises, battery operated toys) Some of these items are not developmentally appropriate and can be overly stimulating. These items may also promote passive entertainment instead of active thinking and imagination. Go for a neutral and simple environs- this helps your infant focus and engage more from the very kickoff.
Holding Toys (bouncers, infant seats, baby swings) These tin some times restrict torso movements and hinder independence. Of course sometimes holders are necessary for a family's lifestyle and are not detrimental to their development.

Activities Baby's Movement Area
Flooring Mirror This allows your baby to see their environs and find themselves.
Wooden Babe Gym For all of the cute Montessori Mobiles you will introduce to your infant.
The Lovevery Play Gym is a good all inclusive activeness if y'all're looking for a place to start. This company also has a subscription option and volition send y'all Montessori-inspired toys based on your child's age.
Munari Mobile (Mobile Ready)
Description: In the Montessori method at that place are a serial of mobiles that y'all can introduce in a specific order that compliments your babies physical evolution. This is the 1st mobile. A simple mobile with black and white contrasting geometric shapes and a glass sphere. In that location are several DIYs online for this mobile if you are up to making it. The measurements are pretty exact and are all based upon the drinking glass brawl.
How to utilise: Begin using this with your baby when they are three-half-dozen weeks former. Hang it in an expanse that is not too cluttered with not a lot of airflow, over a motility mat and viii-12 inches away from infants face. Endeavour not to hang over a crib or irresolute tabular array but allow them to be able to fully engage with the mobile and to not be distracted by other activity. Should be hung inside the gaze of your little one but out of their attain.
Purpose: It helps develop the child'south power to rails vision, focus and develop a sense of dazzler.
Octahedron Mobile (Mobile Set)
Description: In the Montessori method at that place are a series of mobiles that you can innovate in a specific order that compliments your babies physical development. This is the 2nd mobile. Three primary colored octahedrons.
How to Use: Hang information technology in an area that is not too cluttered, over a motion mat and 8-12 inches away from infants face up. Try not to hang over a crib or changing table merely let them to be able to fully engage with the mobile and to non be distracted past other activity. Should be hung within the gaze of your picayune 1 but out of their accomplish.
Purpose: Babies around five weeks sometime brainstorm to gradually develop a focus on moving objects, object tracking, and perception of color and depth. And octahedral condole is acted the role of with the basic color in the color cherry, yellowish, blue will help baby vision to develop.
Gobbi Brawl Mobile (Mobile Gear up)
Description: In the Montessori method there are a series of mobiles that y'all can introduce in a specific order that compliments your babies physical development. This is the 3rd mobile, suitable for babies from vii to x weeks erstwhile. Information technology was designed past Dr. Montessori's pupil Gobbi.
How to Use: Hang information technology in an surface area that is not too chaotic, over a motion mat and 8-12 inches away from infants face. Endeavour non to hang over a crib or irresolute table but allow them to exist able to fully engage with the mobile and to not exist distracted by other activity. Should exist hung within the gaze of your little one but out of their reach.
Purpose: Fade ball pendant is designed to assist your baby focus and feel by providing a manner to watch the same color fade.
Dancers Mobile
Description: This is the 4th mobile of the serial. This mobile is composed of four stylized dancers, consisting of three elements: a head, arms and legs. The forms represent dancers in different positions and all the elements that make upward each dancer are contained. The dancers are fabricated in the holographic paper, this paper has the distinction of reflecting the calorie-free.
How to Employ: It is advisable to hang the mobile close enough to the baby (at the level of his belly) and then that the movements of his arms tin can make the paper dancers "dance", but he can not touch it nor catch.
Purpose: Over fourth dimension, he volition brand the link between his own arm movements and the movements of the mobile dancers.
Blackness & White Lath Book
Clarification: A lath book with black and white contrasting images that unfolds like an squeeze box.
How to Utilise: Unfold the book alongside the infant when laying on the flooring.
Purpose: Develop babies visual perception: these black and white infant cards employ loftier-contrast images to provide visual stimulation as babies begin to brand visual connections with the globe around them
Contrast Cards
Amazon Description: A set of 24 cards with 48 images (dorsum and front). Each page contains high dissimilarity images designed for babies 6 weeks to vi months. Research has shown that new born babies tin only run into objects range from 5 inches to 27 inches, and they are sensitive to black and white color. These black and white high contrast cards are good for babies' eyesight and cognitive evolution
How to Utilise: Place above crib, changing tabular array or along the wall during tummy fourth dimension.
Purpose: Develop babies visual perception: these black and white infant cards use loftier-contrast images to provide visual stimulation as babies begin to brand visual connections with the world around them
Grasping Materials Fix (wooden cause and issue, wooden with bells on the finish)
Note: please make sure that if you lot are giving your babe any items with small-scale objects attached that the items are tightly secured and that y'all are supervising them the entire time.
Description: Small rattles and graspers that your baby is able to hold on to.
How to Use: Gently place the rattle into your babe's hand, allow them to grasp onto the rattle and move it on their own.
Purpose: Aids in the development of hand heart coordination, reflexes and fine motor skills.
Silk Teether
Interlocking Disks
Description: Smooth wooden disks that are interlocked. First used as a grasping toy, so a teether and finally a toy for when your baby begins to clamber.
How to Use: Gently place the toy into your babe'southward hand, allow them to grasp onto the rattle and move it on their own.
Purpose: Improves hand-eye coordination, concentration, grasping and exploring skills. Supports paw-to-hand transfer, which promotes cross-torso coordination.
Crinkly Paper
Description: Develops the sense of touch and hearing.
How to Employ: Gently place the rattle into your infant's hand, allow them to grasp onto the rattle and move information technology on their own.
Purpose: Aids in the development of manus eye coordination, reflexes and fine motor skills.
Puzzle Ball
Clarification: Soft material ball in contrasting colors.
How to Use: Hang it in an surface area that is not likewise cluttered, over a movement mat and 8-12 inches away from infants face. Try not to hang over a crib or changing table only allow them to exist able to fully appoint with the mobile and to not be distracted by other activity. Should be hung within the gaze of your piddling one but out of their achieve.
Purpose: Designed to help your baby focus and every bit they grow older something soft to feel and hold on to.
Other items that may exist helpful
Furniture corner protectors
4 cubby shelf
I hope this helps you equally y'all gear up up a beautiful Montessori environment for your baby! Follow me on instagram @thegoodcarmablog for more than Montessori Mondays!
Self Direction Approach in 0-3 Month Old Baby