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How to Get Tickets to the Ellen Show

How To Get Tickets To The Ellen Degeneres Show

How To Get Tickets To The Ellen Degeneres Show. How To Be On The Ellen Show.

How To Be On The Ellen Show

If I am ever having a less than great day, a guaranteed way to turn that around is to tune in to The Ellen Show. Ellen is the funniest, most hilarious, and sweetest person, which I know because I got the opportunity to meet her! People ask me all the time how to get tickets to The Ellen Show, and I always get excited to tell them that it IS possible! Not only did I get the opportunity to attend an Ellen Show taping and be in The Ellen Show audience, I was on her stage and interviewed with her.

There Are Two Main Ways To Get Tickets To The Ellen Show That Really Work:

1) Visit her show calendar page and "request tickets"

2) Visit Ellen's "Write To Ellen" page and submit a story

This all happened back in 2016 when the Chicago Cubs won the world series. I was on The Ellen Show website and noticed on their homepage that they were looking for baseball fans. Not just any baseball fan, but fans with teams who were in the playoffs and who were potentially going to be going to the World Series. I thought to myself, that's me!

I took the time to write a paragraph for Ellen about myself and about how I bleed Cubbie Blue. I also attached a photo of myself, mom, and 7-week old son at a game. I didn't expect to hear anything, but a couple days later, I heard from one of The Ellen Show producers. She told me that it may be in my best interest to be at Murphy's Bleachers on Wednesday at 4 pm. I didn't ask any questions - I knew I HAD to be there. When someone who works for Ellen makes that suggestion, you go!

How To Get Tickets To The Ellen Degeneres Show

I rallied together a group of friends and family to come with me. I had NO idea what to expect. Once I got there, there were several other girls who had also received the suggestion to be at the Wrigleyville bar.

How To Get Tickets To The Ellen Degeneres Show. How To Be On The Ellen Show.

That is when I realized that the Ellen Show producers who were at the bar were looking for EXCITEMENT. One of the best things you can do to get tickets to The Ellen Show or to be on The Ellen Show is to be very very excited. This all come very naturally to me - those around me assume I drink eight cups of coffee every morning.

All of a sudden, Jeannie walked into the bar. She then called my name, and a girl named Julie to the front of the bar. That's when the brought out the pizzas.

How To Get Tickets To The Ellen Degeneres Show. What it's like to be on The Ellen Show.

We quickly learned that our faces would soon be in those pizzas. We had no idea what the stakes were. All we know was that we were searching for a pennant flag. We were handled goggles and were told to keep our hands behind our back. Ellen appeared live on the television, and she hyped us up even more. It was go time.

How To Get Tickets To The Ellen Degeneres Show. What being on The Ellen Show is like.

I was all in. That's me in the above pic, with my face in deep dish. I wanted that flag and I wanted it right meow!

Guess what? I got that flag! Ellen came back on the cameras and told me that I had won tickets to the game. She then asked if I would share a ticket with Julie, and I set YES (OF COURSE!) Ellen then gave both Julie and I a set of two tickets, along with an on-field experience. We were both out of our minds excited! Ellen was sending us to the Cubs World Series Game 4!

How To Get Tickets To The Ellen Degeneres Show

Game 4 was just a few days after the Murphy's Bleachers Pizza Extravaganza event. Julie took her Pops, and I took my husband. We got to go down on the field to watch batting practice. It was unreal! We had so much fun as cameras followed us around.

How To Get Tickets To The Ellen Degeneres Show. Being on The Ellen Show. How To Get Ellen Tickets #Ellentickets

image4+(10).jpgHow To Get Tickets To The Ellen Degeneres Show. Being on The Ellen Show. How To Get Ellen Tickets #Ellentickets

How To Get Tickets To The Ellen Degeneres Show. Being on The Ellen Show. How To Get Ellen Tickets #Ellentickets

The Cubs ended up losing Game 4. But must of you know the end of this story. They went on to Game 7, and won the World Series. It was amazing!

Shortly after the win, I received a call from an Ellen Show Producer to see if I would be willing to come out to LA to film a bit for Ellentube. Ummmmmm YESSSSSSS!

Ellen flew me out to LA for this filming. I really had no idea what to expect. My parents were in Hawaii during this whole time, but my Aunt was able to travel with me (which made the trip even more fun that it already was!)

We got picked up from the Airport!

How To Get Tickets To The Ellen Degeneres Show. Being on The Ellen Show. How To Get Ellen Tickets #Ellentickets

We stayed in a hotel right near where The Ellen Show films. This all take place at Warner Brothers Studio in Burbank, California. On the day of the taping, then had my Aunt and I hang out in a back stage dressing room. Once again, I had no idea what to expect, and I was respectfully not asking questions in order to keep an element of suspense and surprise.

How To Get Tickets To The Ellen Degeneres Show. Being on The Ellen Show. How To Get Ellen Tickets #Ellentickets

We were back stage for a hour or so, and then all of a sudden, a producer came in and said they were ready for me NOW. She took us to what all of a sudden looked like The Ellen Show taping. It was! Warren Beatty was on stage, and we were quickly escorted in to the audience. Within seconds, we went from backstage into front-rowish seats of The Ellen Show. They appeared to be mid-taping.

It's all kind of a blur after that. I started to black out with excitement. Ellen called me down to her stage. It's unreal that any of this happened.

I was sitting in a chair, talking with Ellen about the Cubs winning the World Series. She was an absolute delight. She asked about where we were and what we were doing. She asked about my son. She then told me I was going to get a change to win "something else". I couldn't get beyond the fact that I was on The Ellen Show Stage!!!

They cut to commercial, but when they came back, Ellen told me I was going to dive into pizza again. What Ellen wants, Ellen gets! Right before I dove in, Kris Bryant and David Ross walked out on stage. I got to hug them both! Once again, I was out of my mind excited and couldn't believe what had just taken place over the last eight minutes.

Backstage, I got to talk to Kris an David again. They were SO nice. Everyone I met on this day was absolutely wonderful. Ellen has an amazing staff who works for her. It seemed like a complete dream job to do what these folks do everyday.

How To Get Tickets To The Ellen Degeneres Show. Being on The Ellen Show. How To Get Ellen Tickets #Ellentickets

While I was very lucky to have been selected for this opportunity, anyone can gain the same opportunity. All it takes is frequent visits to ellentube and checking in on the various contests that she runs throughout the year. This was not my first experience on a talk show. I was in the Audience for one of Oprah's final tapings and won a trip to Arizona with my best friend to Miraval Resort. I received audience tickets in a similar way to how I ended up on Ellen - I simply wrote in.

There are real people (Ellen Show producers) scanning through all of the submission from The Ellen website, and they are looking for people like you to have in their audience and on their show. The Ellen Show 12 Days Of Giveaways is a HUGE opportunity to get tickets. I am constantly being asked if I know how to get 12 Days of Giveaway tickets. When the holidays get closer, Ellen offers many different ways to win tickets. All you need to do is watch!

How To Get Tickets To The Ellen Show and Be On The Ellen Show:

1) Visit The Ellen Show Website frequently. Also, follow along on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, which is where guest opportunities are posted.

2) If you get to speak with a producer, let your energy and excitement be known. They want the most fun guests for their show, so make the producer aware that you are ALL IN for whatever is taking place.

3) Write a good, honest story. There is no need to turn up the drama dial in order to convince producers to give you a call. They want people who are nice, funny, excitable, and real.

4) Be open-minded. If you go with the flow, you just never know where it will cause you to end up. Such as on stage with Ellen and two of the Chicago Cubs finest!

How To Get Tickets To The Ellen Degeneres Show. How To Get Tickets To Be In The Ellen Show Audience. Being on The Ellen Show. How To Get Ellen Tickets #Ellentickets

Ellen 12 Days of Giveaways, How to get Ellen Show Tickets, How to get on the Ellen Show, How to write to Ellen, Being on the Ellen Show, Getting Ellen Show Tickets, Being in the Ellen Show Audience, how to write into Ellen, Contacting Ellen Degeneres, how to get in the Ellen Show Audience


How to Get Tickets to the Ellen Show
